Summer is the Season of Yang

Yin and Yang in Yoga: Embracing the Summer Season

As we move into summer, the yang qualities of the season become. more apparent. Yin and yang are two complementary energies that exist in everything, including our bodies and the natural world around us. Yin is the feminine, receptive, and cooling energy that is associated with fall and winter. Yang is the masculine, active, and warming energy that comes with the warmer months. In yoga, we strive to balance these energies to achieve harmony and well-being year round.

Warmer weather and longer days mean increased activity, energy, and warmth. The sun is shining, the days are longer, and we're naturally drawn to outdoor activities and socializing. It's a time to embrace our yang energy and enjoy all that summer has to offer.

In yoga, we can lean into the yang energy by incorporating more active practices like vinyasa and ashtanga yoga. We can balance our yang energy by incorporating more yin practices into our routine. Yin yoga is a slow, meditative practice that focuses on holding poses for longer periods of time to stretch and release tension in the connective tissues of the body. It's a perfect complement to the active, yang energy of summer. Maybe you like to walk, hike, bike and swim this time of year - a couple of slower classes would be a nice balance to that.

Here are some tips for embracing yin and yang in your yoga practice this summer:

1. Start your day with a yang practice, such as a vinyasa flow or power yoga class, to energize your body and mind. Even just a few sun salutations in the sunlight can be a beautiful way to start the day.

2. Take breaks throughout the day to practice yin poses, such as pigeon or butterfly, to release tension and calm your nervous system.

3. Practice yoga outdoors to connect with the natural world and soak up the yang energy of the sun. We offer full moon classes at the lake every month - the first one is this Saturday!

4. Incorporate pranayama (breathing) exercises into your practice to balance your energy and calm your mind. An easy one to try: Breath in for 4 counts, hold for 7, exhale for 8. Try that for 3-5 minutes.

5. Listen to your body and adjust your practice as needed. If you're feeling tired or overwhelmed, take a restorative yin class or try a dance or Shakti class to help release frustration.

By embracing yin and yang in our yoga practice, we can find balance and harmony within ourselves and in our relationship with the world around us. So this summer, let's embrace the yang energy of the season while also taking time to slow down, connect with our breath, and find stillness within.

Stuart Smith