The Benefits of Yoga for Men

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years. Most styles of yoga were created by men, in fact. In many cultures women weren’t even allowed to practice (eye roll). Ashtanga yoga, for example, was developed as a practice for young men.

When did it come to be perceived as a primarily female activity? As yoga has become increasingly popular in the West, it’s been promoted for the aesthetic, fitness benefits - specifically, women’s fitness and aesthetic. Most media has appropriated the practice, featuring thin, lanky white women practicing yoga. While yoga is dfor thin, lanky white women - it is for everyone else too, and it’s much more than a “fitness practice.”

A well rounded yoga practice incorporates breathing techniques and meditation WITH the physical postures. The trifecta of movement, breath, and meditation has been shown in study after study, to have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. At Jax, we recognize that men may feel intimidated by the practice, so we need you to know that we are an intentionally inclusive space for all genders to practice yoga and reap the benefits.

We welcome all genders, ages, and abilities, offering a variety of classes, from beginner and chair classes, to more athletic practices like ashtanga, and more restful practices like yin and restorative yoga. The instructors at Jax are trained to provide adaptations and adjustments to accommodate all levels of experience and ability.

We would love to see more men on their mats, so to help make your introduction to yoga less intimidating and more comfortable, we created a Men’s series with Luke! He will lead a men’s only class on Tuesdays at 7:30 in June (and beyond if we build up the class).

Here are some reasons why we think yoga is a great practice for the guys…

1 - MENTAL HEALTH One of the specific benefits of yoga for men is its positive impact on mental health. According to a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice, yoga has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in men. The study found that men who practiced yoga regularly had lower levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, and higher levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of well-being.

2- A CLEARER MIND Another study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that yoga can improve cognitive function in men. The study found that men who practiced yoga had better memory and concentration than those who did not practice yoga.

3- FLEXIBILITY, BALANCE AND STRENGTH Beyond the mental health benefits, yoga can also improve physical health in men. According to a study published in the International Journal of Yoga, yoga can improve flexibility, balance, and strength in men. The study found that men who practiced yoga had better balance and flexibility than those who did not practice yoga. As a supplement to other activities like running, lifting, and sports - yoga helps keep mens bodies less prone to injury and improves body awareness. It’s also a great “off day” activity that gives your body a chance to recover.

4- TO CHANGE THE NARRATIVE We believe that yoga is for everyone, and want to be a part of shifting the narrative that yoga is only for rich thin white women. There is a practice for EVERY BODY so if you haven’t found the one that’s right for you yet - keep looking. If you’re local and want some help choosing a class or want to start with some one on one classes, shoot us an email at and we’d love to help.

You are welcome here in any class, but if the idea of taking a class with some guys who are also newer to yoga feels more inviting - then definitely sign up for Luke’s class!

Stuart Smith