Everything You Need is Within You

“What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me. “

I don’t have a patent on yoga.

I don’t own the rights to your deep breaths.

Everything you need to reconnect to yourself, is already within you.

The breaths you take, the shapes you make with your body, and the moments you carve out to sit in meditation - belong to YOU.

You don’t need to come to a yoga studio to do yoga. (Ours or anyone else’s). There is so much more to the practice than asana (the poses) that can easily be worked into your daily life. And, even the postures can be done in your bedroom, your yard, or your office.

A wise yoga teacher knows all of these things to be true. They know that the magic is within you - not their class. The beauty of practicing under the guidance of a wise teacher is that they point you back to yourself and your innate inner wisdom over and over.

There are hundreds of companies reaping the financial reward of your feelings of lack. Mine isn’t one of them. And honestly - I just want everyone to find whatever it is that grounds them and come back to it as often as they need to, to feel alive and present and free in their own bodies.

At Jax, we are here to point you back to yourself. We create spaces where you can come home to your own body, your own mind, your own soul.

If there’s no need to practice in a studio, then why might you WANT TO?

  1. Nothing gets in the way once you are there. It may be difficult to carve out the room in your schedule and budge for a regular studio practicet, but once you get there, nothing can get in the way of your practice. No doorbells, email dings or interruptions from family You’re also more likely to complete the entire practice - even the parts you don’t love.

  2. The sense of community and shared energy. I personally love to practice at home. I practice most days in my bedroom. But I love to practice with others too. The energy in a room full of people who have shown up to expand themselves is palpable, inspiring, and grounding.

  3. It’s easier to mix it up. You may get bored or stagnate with your home practice. Practicing in a studio gives you access to different teachers, styles, and sequences. It’s a great way to stay interested, inspired, and keep learning

  4. Your practice will evolve. When there’s an outside set of eyes on you, their perspective may help you learn new postures you wouldn’t learn on your own. A skilled teacher can help you learn new ways to move and breathe.

  5. Experience physical touch. Most of our classes offer at least a little physical touch - from hands on adjustments to scalp and shoulder massages at the end of class - you’ll get a boost of human connection.

  6. Support a business that introduces yoga and mindfulness to so many people who may not have otherwise found it. 80% of Jax students are beginners, and we take yoga to schools, workplaces, and other community groups.

So, it’s the truth: you don’t NEED to look “out there” for peace. We believe that wholeheartedly. And we are always honored when you CHOOSE to share your space and your practice with us.

Stuart Smith