New Beginnings… Same (Awesome) You

An eternal student, these are my two favorite quotes:

  1. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” -Maya Angelou

  2. “Your world will not expand unless you do.” (Unknown)

They are fitting reminders for a new year.

As time goes on, we learn. We find things out about ourselves and the world. We learn that some of the ideas we had were wrong or skewed or simply no longer serve us. As we grow and expand, our priorities change and we add bricks to our foundations of self. We rethink the way we live, love, and work.

The synchronistic solstice and new moon this month are a powerful opportunity to turn inward and reflect on how we’ve grown and where we are going. Both the solstice (December 21) and the new moon (December 23) symbolize the darkest times. Whatever intentions we set in this darkness, will grow and expand with the light of longer days and the growing light of the waxing moon.

Winter is a beautiful time to turn inward and to reflect on what the year has taught us and what lessons have shaped the way we move forward.

As we evolve from year to year, we aren’t shape shifting with each version, but rather, peeling back the layers to our whole authentic selves. There is no time stamp that says we have to reset each January 1, but the seasons do offer us a powerful ambiance to reflect and set new intentions. The cold calls us to slow down, to rest, to reflect. This year’s new moon happening right with the solstice makes it an especially powerful time to reflect and set new intentions… this week is even more powerful this year than January 1.

Throughout time, humans have marked the seasons of life by light. The light of the sun and moon are powerful measurements of the rhythms of life. Modern culture has demanded that we perform at the same intensity 365 days a year, but the truth is that nature doesn’t operate that way and neither should we. It’s why we are burnt out. When we can learn to honor the seasons of productivity, rest, renewal, and growth… we will learn to honor our own true nature.

There have been solstice celebrations for centuries, even before this time was attached to Christmas. Ancient cultures used the moon like a calendar in the sky and it became a symbol of many myths and rituals. Let the auspicious time be your moment to celebrate all the growth of the last year and reflect and set new intentions too.

Here are some journal prompts to guide you:

  1. How have you grown this year in self love? In love? In relationships? In career? In health?

  2. What used to be important to you that isn’t anymore?

  3. What goals did you achieve last year?

  4. What brought you joy this year?

  5. Whose presence did you enjoy last year?

  6. Who/what/where helped you grow and expand last year?

  7. What is a new priority this year?

  8. What is a new goal this year?

  9. What does the highest version of future you look like?

  10. How do you want to FEEL path the end of 2023? That’s your manta for the year.

No need to try and become someone else… you have so much to work with right where YOU ARE. Enjoy the journey. Love the human at the center of all these experiences. Commit to a year full of new experiences that bring you closer to your mantra.

Om Shanti Shanti.

Stuart Smith