Radical Self Love

Are you ready for a new routine this fall?

Even if you aren't in school or don't have kids in school, this time of year has a way of calling us all to rhythm and routine.

We'd be honored to be a part of your fall days.

Here's the thing… we don't want to be one more thing on your to do list. We don't want to be one more thing you pay for each month and never use. We actually hate that business model.

There are a lot of companies that profit when we hate ourselves or do things out of guilt or “shoulds.” Industries prey on the fact that so many of us are insecure about our bodies, our abilities, and our possessions.

We just want to take a minute to say, that our only angle is to create healing environments where you can LOVE yourself. Where you can learn to show up for yourself, befriend yourself. We actually WANT YOU TO COME TO CLASSES and EVENTS! Not for us… FOR YOU!

It's radical to show up for yourself, as you are. But, that's exactly what this space is about: taking time to cultivate peace with yourself on your mat; helping you realize that this is a mind and body you actually want to live in.

Come for a class, join us online, or check out one of our events. Let's do some radical self care this fall. We'd be honored to share space with you.

Stuart Smith