Introducing: The Daily Practice and The Weekly Check In

Creating time in your day to day schedule for self-care routines and rituals can often feel impossible. Even with the best of intentions, sometimes weeks go by before we realize we’ve let our most helpful habits and routines slip.

I move my body every day, but to be honest: in the last year, I’ve gotten out of some of the habits and routines that really help me feel my best and improve my overall health, hormone balance, and vitality. Recently one of my teachers asked what my daily practice was like. When I thought about it - I realized that I definitely had a weekly practice, but a daily practice… not so much. She encouraged me to adopt a short non-negotiable routine that I can do as a minimum every day. On days I have time for more - great, but the days I don’t - the daily practice keeps me in a routine. Even when I’m honoring my body by resting - the daily routine is doable.

Since she made that suggestion this past June, I’ve committed to my daily practice and done it every day except 2. Even on vacation, even one day when I didn’t feel great, I got on my mat. The entire practice takes 5 minutes and the truth is - I feel better and more centered, and when I have time - I stay on my mat longer.

Incorporating a daily yoga practice, even if it's just focusing on one component such as movement, breath, or meditation, can have profound benefits for overall well-being. And carving out a short window of time each day to check in and reconnect to ourselves is a true act of self love, showing yourself that you are worth the time.

At Jax Yoga, we understand the importance of making yoga accessible and convenient for our members. That's why we're thrilled to introduce two exciting additions to our offerings, inspired by my own daily practice this summer: "The Daily Practice" and "The Weekly Check-In."

The Daily Practice: Starting this September, members will have access to "The Daily Practice" – an on demand 5 minute daily routine. This daily grounding practice is designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine. You can watch the video and follow along any time of day. It’s all about consistency and commitment, as we believe that even a few minutes of intentional movement, breathwork, or meditation can create a positive ripple effect throughout your day. "The Daily Practice" offers three levels to cater to your unique needs and preferences: gentle with Erin, active with Gabby, or heat building with Wendy. Choose the same one every day, mix it up, or do more than one on days you have time.

Whether you're seeking a gentle stretch to awaken your body, an invigorating flow to energize your spirit, or a dynamic practice to build heat and strength, we have you covered. With just five minutes a day, you can cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and experience the transformative power of a consistent yoga practice.

The Weekly Check-In: We understand that life can get busy, and attending multiple classes a week may not always be feasible. That's why we're introducing a new class called "The Weekly Check-In." This class, which will be held every Wednesday at 6pm at Jax, is designed to be the cornerstone of your weekly practice, combining somatic movement, breathwork, meditation, and mindful movement. This class offers a holistic experience, allowing you to reconnect with your body, mind, and soul. It's the perfect opportunity to dive deeper into your practice, explore new techniques, and reconnect to your mind, body and soul. If you can only make it to one class a week, we highly recommend prioritizing "The Weekly Check-In" as it encompasses a well-rounded practice, and reinforces our mission to help you feel good in your own and and body.

Both the Daily Practice and The Weekly Check In start when our new schedule rolls out this September.

We can't wait to experience the growth and transformation of a regular practice with each of you.

See you on the mat! Namaste.

Stuart Smith