Home (to Yourself) for the Holidays


You are the only person with you every second of your life.

Have you seen that recent study?The one that shows who you spend most of your time with? It’s floating around on social media with charts and graphs showing who we spend the most time with during different seasons of life. It’s eye opening as a parent, to see how little time we really get with our children. It’s convicting, as a partner to see how much care we should be giving our long term partnerships. And it’s a little sad, as a member of a capitalist society, to see how much time we send with co-workers…. It’s incentive to choose wisely!

But the thing I kept thinking as I was swiping thru the screens, is that I am the common denominator. If I don’t have peace within myself, none of these other relationships will fill that void. I won’t even fully enjoy them. And if I’m spending all these seasons with myself - I want to be someone whose company I enjoy.

This time of year, we are extroverted whether we want to be or not. Sagittarius season calls us all out of our jammies (however reluctantly) to holiday parties, Christmas programs, shopping days, baking days, and bell ringing. There’s a lot of giving - of gifts, of meals, and of our own energy.

Make are you are doing things to refill your cup.

For me, it’s early morning wakeups. Year round, but especially during the holidays, I start the day before everyone else in my house- with a hot cup of coffee, my fireplace, a good scent in the diffuser, and my yoga mat. One hour of alone time - sipping, stretching, reading, journaling, and meditating each morning refuels my tank for the day. I refuse to miss it.

If you’re looking for a way to reconnect with yourself this time of year - consider this a personal invitation. I created a 4 week series called “Home to Yourself for the Holidays” It’s intended to be a restful haven for you to reconnect to yourself through breath,  movement, journaling, somatic practices and meditations.

I can promise peaceful holiday music, festive scents wafting through the air, twinkle lights, and lots of adjustments. I’m also sending you home with a treat each week to slow down and enjoy between sessions. (Essential oils, bath salts, tea, and a candle).

Come, make space to reconnect to your home, yourself.

Stuart Smith